News & Events
Fundraising is an Art
Rationale Nonprofit and social welfare organizations have a critical role to play In providing a variety of necessary services to our community. However, they are often reliant on donor funding and their capacity to plan and implement resource mobilization activities often inadequate. Strengthening fund collection – not just raising more but doing so in a […]
Like Father Like Son
Like Father Like Son is a unique concept and thinline consulting is proudly announce that it is the first training company in Pakistan who conducted training in this topic. This program focuses on general engagement strategies for fathers and sons especially current barriers and obstacles to father engagement
Super Pride
Thinline Consulting conducted training of Haier in Lahore. Super pride concept concept build on team selling skills. When working with Selling Teams- those teams designed to sell as a unit usually to satisfy larger accounts. Objectives of this training are: Sales Negotiation Skills. Key Account Management. High Performance Selling. Presenting with Impact. Team Selling. Selling with […]