
June 8, 2017

Seven Steps for Effective Problem Solving in the Workplace

Here are seven-steps for an effective problem-solving process.

1. Identify the issues.

  • Be clear about what the problem is.
  • Remember that different people might have different views of what the issues are.
  • Separate the listing of issues from the identification of interests (that’s the next step!).

2. Understand everyone’s interests.

  • This is a critical step that is usually missing.
  • Interests are the needs that you want satisfied by any given solution. We often ignore our true interests as we become attached to one particular solution.
  • The best solution is the one that satisfies everyone’s interests.
  • This is the time for active listening. Put down your differences for awhile and listen to each other with the intention to understand.
  • Separate the naming of interests from the listing of solutions.

3. List the possible solutions (options)

  • This is the time to do some brainstorming. There may be lots of room for creativity.
  • Separate the listing of options from the evaluation of the options.

4. Evaluate the options.

  • What are the pluses and minuses? Honestly!
  • Separate the evaluation of options from the selection of options.

5. Select an option or options.

  • What’s the best option, in the balance?
  • Is there a way to “bundle” a number of options together for a more satisfactory solution?

6. Document the agreement(s).

  • Don’t rely on memory.
  • Writing it down will help you think through all the details and implications.

7. Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

  • Conditions may change. Make contingency agreements about foreseeable future circumstances (If-then!).
  • How will you monitor compliance and follow-through?
  • Create opportunities to evaluate the agreements and their implementation. (“Let’s try it this way for three months and then look at it.”)
About webmasterTLC

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